Waiting on the Boomerang

Return or boomerang buyers have grown in numbers in recent years. Forecasts indicate that these former homeowners who experienced a foreclosure or short sale will return to the market in greater volume in the years ahead. However, lack of knowledge about special financing programs or lender overlays are hampering this group’s return.

Several factors could hinder a boomerang buyer’s ability to purchase another home including an impaired credit score, a weak job situation, or a family matter. Mandatory waiting periods for financing through the FHA, VA, or the GSEs also impact return buyers. As depicted below, the FHA, VA, and GSEs restrict access to credit following a foreclosure for a minimum of 3, 2 or 7 years (bottom left), respectively, though the GSEs are more lenient for a short sale.


However, if the consumer can prove that they lost their home due to a decline of income, loss of employment or some family situations they may be eligible for the extenuating circumstances criteria. Consumers eligible for this program may be be able to attain financing in as little as a year through the FHA or VA programs (above right).

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