5 Safety Tips You Must Know When Getting Your House Ready to Sell

If you’re a home seller, you’ve probably spent a lot of time getting your house ready to sell. However, once the For Sale sign goes up on your property, it can be easy to forget that you may need to take additional security precautions to keep your home and belongings safe during the process. Here are some important security tips to keep in mind. It’s important for sellers to heed this advice when getting ready to put your house on the market.

1. Hide your valuables in a safe place

Strangers will be walking through your home during showings and/or open houses. For security’s sake, remember to remove keys, credit cards, jewelry, and any other valuables from the home during the listing period or at least during showings. Also consider removing or hiding prescription drugs. Some seemingly honest people wouldn’t think twice about getting their hands on any of these items.

2. Put away anything with personal information

Don’t leave mail or bills out in the open where anyone can see it. Be sure to lockdown your computer, laptop, tablet and/or any other expensive electronic devices prior to your showings.

3. Do not show your home by yourself

If someone comes to your door claiming to be an agent and you have no scheduled appointment, ask them to call your agent to confirm an appointment. Predators come in all shapes and sizes. They can refer all inquiries to your agent.

4. Keep your pets away for the day

You are responsible for your pets. If possible, your animals should be removed during showings. If that isn’t possible make sure they are locked up. Fido may be the most-friendly dog in the neighborhood, but when it comes to a stranger, you just can’t be sure. You don’t want to be held liable for any attacks or incidents related your pets.

5. Lock the door

When leaving your home so that it can be shown, make sure all doors are locked. Other agents will be able to access the property through the lockbox. You don’t want any unwanted visitors entering the property without proper accessibility.

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